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Valuing Culture Richness on Sobe Basket

Posted by Juli 21, 2022

The rich culture of Flores, Eastern Indonesia, never ceases to amaze us. From the culture ingrained to the traditions maintained, for the people of Flores, woven crafts are more than just items to decorate a room. This cultural treasure can be found in our award-winning Sobe woven baskets known as Sobe Basket.

Sobe is a material derived from the leaves of palm trees, used to create durable and long-lasting goods. Our Sobe baskets sport a multifunctional and unique three-dimensional design. These baskets have long been a part of the life of the people of Flores. 

Traditionally, Sobe basket have been used in many traditional ceremonies or in everyday life. Locals would often utilize them to store rice and fish due to its tube-like, large shape. 

Du Anyam promotes the beauty of Flores’ culture in six unique Sobe patterns that each have their own meanings behind them. This pattern symbolizes the sustainability of life in Flores. 

Sobe with Kemerekrara Pattern

This is the Kemerekrara pattern. The word Kerekrara comes from the word “kemaren”, which means “black ant” and “rara”, which means “road.” The pattern is meant to look like a line of black ants walking to symbolize cooperation and unity. 

Sobe with Enake Pattern

The Enake pattern comes from the word Enake, which means “fish scales.” This pattern is meant to symbolize the richness of Flores’ oceans, which the locals utilize for an abundance of resources.

Sobe with Ue Meta Pattern

Ue Meta means sweet potato: a commonly grown food in Flores. The Ue Meta pattern is composed of triangle shapes across the basket to symbolize sweet potatoes steamed with coconut.

Sobe with Ue Malar Pattern

The Ue Malar carving also depicts sweet potatoes. Ue means ‘yam’, and Malar means ‘slit’. This pattern resembles dried sweet potatoes, which is more than just food in East Flores. Sweet potatoes represent life and community and are a significant part of the culture of the region.

Sobe with Blego Pattern

The Blego pattern is designed to mimic the topography of Flores with all its hills, and was adapted from a weaving motif of Titehena District.

Sobe with Eco Henge Pattern

Finally, the Eco Henge pattern represents the shape of a rock, formed by fusing together the Ue Malar and Blego patterns. 

Sobe basket are extremely unique in their cultural value. Through different weaving patterns, the weavers are able to preserve their culture and tell the story of Flores and what makes it special. Not only this, but these baskets are made using sustainable, local, and raw materials, all derived from environmentally-friendly plants. Not only do these baskets help to push forward the culture of this gem of Indonesia, but they also ensure that it is done in a manner that can help better the world.

These baskets are handmade by mother weavers from the rural areas of Indonesia. Weaving has been ingrained in their culture for centuries, and the knowledge of weaving has been passed down through generations. Du Anyam has worked to empower these women by giving them the opportunity to gain alternative income, weaving trainings, and most importantly, market access. These baskets have done more than meets the eye for weavers across Indonesia and will continue to change lives. 

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