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5 Traits of Truly Eco-Friendly & Sustainable Home Decors

Posted by Agustus 12, 2021

It started from a simple idea, but the direction is becoming clearer and clearer. Today’s consumers are embracing eco-friendly and sustainable choices, not only as a part of their conscious behaviors, but as a lifestyle as well. The market is increasingly open to selecting the more environmentally-aware brands, especially those who are focused on other social improvements as well.

With Du Anyam, the goal of prioritizing the environment and marginalized women of Indonesia has been clear since the very beginning. As we comfortably ease into the current trend, it’s important to continue educating and sharing just what making a difference is all about.

So before you make any buying decision, be sure to look out for these 5 traits of truly eco-friendly and sustainable items below.

Trait #1: Sustainability First

When we’re talking about sustainability, it’s not only limited to the natural materials used in product-making. At Du Anyam, this also means sustaining the lives of the people who work around the brand.

In our production, we’re applying working processes that continue for a long time, not only in terms of preserving the environment—but also in holding our women artisans in a secure place for their skills-growth and quality of life.

Trait #2: It’s In The Materials

It all goes back to how a product is started. In our case, our main materials are nature-based such as palmyra leaves, bamboo, purun and other renewable resources. We’re also careful in selecting dying ingredients, hence the use of plant-based coloring or smoking methods to create varieties in patterns and shades.

Trait #3: Natural Resources, But Also Recycling & Upcycling

Waste is a crucial part in a truly eco-friendly and sustainable production and distribution. It’s important to establish practices that not only minimize waste, but also include certain actions such recycling and upcycling.

For Du Anyam, this is achievable as we are in charge of our product creations. The opportunity to remake items using old inventory or teaming up with other designers has allowed us the creativity that aims toward zero waste.

Trait #4: Ethically Made

Ethical production goes beyond just ensuring fair wages, no child labor, and a safe working environment or reasonable hours. With Du Anyam, we also go the distance with social programs that ensure our women weavers in skills and life upgrades.

We’re proud to have established multiple social programs, including training new generations of weavers in the area – either related to handicraft or other soft skill aspects. This has ensured a career-ladder system that motivates our artisans to stay ahead.

Trait #5: Support Charitable Causes

Giving back to the community and the environment, that’s another thing to not overlook in any eco-friendly and sustainable businesses. At Du Anyam, we pledge to preserve our cultural wisdom through weaving goods and the local artisans based in Indonesia. We believe that centuries-old local values and the people behind them should thrive, instead of wasting away in the modern technological era.

We also apply good governance in harvesting methods, ensuring the environment is well-maintained. This extra effort goes beyond just creating renewable sources for our materials, but also an act of preserving mother nature.

By purchasing with Du Anyam, it’s not just about stylish design or having fun with trends. It’s about an all-around and long term solution. For any home decor & interior design enthusiast, it’s time to ask questions about buying stuff that can both feel-good and do-good for the surroundings. If you have any other questions about our products though, check out our website and find out how to support this cause!