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Pencil Case


Pencil Case


Presenting a pencil case that’s totally unique, cool and functional, meet our Gatotkaca special product! It comes with a side of woven palmyra leaves in pelode technique combined with faux leather and easy pull zipper. Enjoy a mix of epic GatotKaca artwork, East Flores handmade culture, and modern style in one compact item to organize your stationery. To impress your guests or clients, we recommend choosing this as your souvenir or gift items.

SKU: N/A Kategori: , ,

L 19 cm x W 6 cm

Presenting a pencil case that’s totally unique, cool and functional, meet our Gatotkaca special product! It comes with a side of woven palmyra leaves in pelode technique combined with faux leather and easy pull zipper. Enjoy a mix of epic GatotKaca artwork, East Flores handmade culture, and modern style in one compact item to organize your stationery. To impress your guests or clients, we recommend choosing this as your souvenir or gift items.

Jaga anyaman agar tetap kering. Jangan simpan dalam kondisi lembab untuk mencegah produk berubah warna. Jika produk terkena air, bersihkan menggunakan kain yang lembut dan keringkan di bawah sinar matahari, hingga kering. Jangan mengisi dengan barang yang berat atau terlalu penuh yang dapat merubah bentuk anyaman. Jauhkan dari sumber api atau panas untuk jangka waktu yang lama.

Mengapa Du Anyam

Anyaman Buatan Tangan yang Berkualitas Tinggi
Desain Modern dan Fungsional
Produk dengan Dampak Sosial